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Apply to deliver a project in a park

Projects often involve changes to infrastructure and require careful planning and engagement with wider stakeholders and potentially community consultation. For example, install a new bench, put a new footpath in, create new signage or add a new sculpture in a park.

If you would like to deliver a project in a Doncaster park, woodland or green space, please complete the application form below and a member of the team will be in touch to discuss this with you and offer support and guidance where required.

* Required Field

Please let us know: How the project will be funded, who will be carrying out the project and any ongoing maintenance plans.

Please give as accurate a location as possible, using photos, maps (attach below), and what3words if applicable.

Please tick all that apply.

1) Planning permission may be required. 2) Approvals for projects may be done so with conditions attached. 3) Your group may need insurance.