During 2023-2024, local residents told us what being active means to them and the benefits it has brought to their lives. Read some of their stories below.

Edlington Dance On Group: "None of us can dance really, we just have a good laugh trying"
Every Monday morning at 10:30, a lively group of ladies meet at ECO in Edlington for a Dance On session. Alice, the dance teacher who usually runs the class (other wonderful dance teachers take the class sometimes too) guide the group through some dance routines to popular hits from the 60's and up to the present day. The dance routines are gradually built up step by step, and there are always options for seated dance moves for those who would prefer.
The dance sessions are filled with laughter and warmth, and singing along to the music. The group often has over 20 ladies join in every week, with newcomers warnly welcomed by everyone. The dance class itself lasts an hour (10:30-11:30), and most of the ladies stay behind afterwards for a cup of tea, a biscuit and a chat. Pat and Vonnie, Ann and Enid (pictured in the campaign artwork) are four such ladies, who love the dance class and the chance to catch up over a drink and a chat afterwards.
Here's what dance on members had to say about the classes:
• "After every session I feel so wonderful and full of energy."
• "It's absolutely brilliant. From the first time of coming, I was put at ease."
• "They're such friendly people, they made me feel at home straight away."
• "I feel I can walk upstairs easier since coming here. I don't stop halfway!"
Dance on sessions can be found at several locations across Doncaster. If you can't make it to a session, have a look at the dedicated webpage where you'll find warm-ups, cool downs and a variety of dance styles to build your own routines at home. You can also get your weekly Dance On boost over the radio and get moving and grooving at home with 102.6 Sine FM! Every Wednesday at 3.45pm, join Charlotte Armitage for 10 minutes of accessible, easy to follow audio instructions. For details visit the website: Dance On - Welcome to Dance On Doncaster!

"People who haven't seen me for a few years probably wouldn't recognise me. I'm a lot stronger, I smile so much more and I'm so much more positive about life. It's unreal. It's colossal. I can't tell you how much life has got better. And I'm happy."
Local resident Angela shares her journey with us about how she has transformed her life through becoming more active. Angela started to move more by walking, which led to her joining a Couch to 5K group. In time Angela's new found fitness and confidence has progressed to not only finding a love for running, but also opened up other positive opportunities for herself and the local community. Read Angela's story in her own words, about why she became active and the benefits that being active has brought to her life…
"The impetus for getting active was that I was feeling put of depth when I went out for a walk. We'd walk up a hill and I'd be really red and sweaty and horrible. I had really low self confidence, low self esteem. I realised how unfit I was and how my lifestyle choices had impacted on my physical ability to do the things that I used to enjoy. So I thought it was time to change.
My mental health has improved greatly through becoming more active. I'm not as angry, I'm not as depressed…I eat well, I sleep well, I think well. My relationships have improved."
Getting started with Couch to 5K
"While I was doing the Couch to 5K, if I didn't have the support of my friends in the group, and Andy who ran the group and my family, I wouldn't have got to where I am today, and I certainly wouldn't have made the changes that I've made.
It's made me realise that I'm strong enough and capable enough, both physically and mentally to do anything that I want to do.
My mental health at one point was that I didn't want to try, I wasn't good enough. Whereas now it's just like, do you know what, it doesn't matter what the outcome is, as long as I learn something from that. It's really turned my mental health from being really negative into being really positive and forward facing and outward looking."
How you can make that first step to becoming more active
"My advice to anybody who wanted to become more active would absolutely be make sure you've got a friend who can encourage you, who can share that experience with you. It'll be hard when you start, that's the key. It won't be easy, but eventually you will get to that point where you find that one activity that really makes you alive."
Becoming more active opens up new opportunities
Adventuring Angels is a social enterprise which Angela now runs, which focuses on outdoor forest style learning sessions for all ages, with an outdoor learning site in Denaby. The site is currently being transformed by Angela and volunteers from the local community to encourage others to be more active and enjoy spending time in nature. There are volunteering opportunities available for anyone who would like to get involved with this project.
- More on getting started with running - including Couch to 5k: https://getdoncastermoving.org/running
- More on Adventuring Angels and to find out more about volunteering opportunities on site: https://www.angelcomm.co.uk/
- Watch Angela's video: https://youtu.be/0casE5mZJbE

Players from Doncaster Dynamo, a walking football team who play at Goals in Wheatley, have been working with Get Doncaster Moving to encourage people in Doncaster to move more and enjoy the benefits that being active brings.
The team play twice a week, Tuesdays and Fridays at 11am and regularly attract around 20 players aged from 50 to 75 to their sessions. The team welcome beginners as well as those who have played football before and are actively looking to create a second team to further support those who are the very beginning of their walking football journey and/or are new to being active or haven't been active in a while.
Here's what members of the team had to say:
"With walking football, you're part of a team, it's a great atmosphere to play in. I would recommend to anyone at any level to consider walking football as an aid to fitness, companionship and friendship." Frank
"I had major surgery for bowel cancer last year, and obviously with having bowel cancer you've got to be careful, and keep fit. They're a good set of lads, it gets you out the house and meeting people, doing something you enjoy. I feel a lot fitter and it helps with my mental health and wellbeing…coming here means you've got to get out of bed in the morning, you've got something to do." Dave
"I do a bit of running and jogging, but it's all solo stuff whereas when you come down here you're part of a group and you've all got a common interest. It's not just the football you can chat about, and its exercise with a purpose because at the end of the day although its friendly and welcoming you're still trying to win when you play! It's great fun." Steven
Yvonne also shared with us why her husband has joined the group, after he was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's. She said:
"It's the only thing he lives for to be honest is sport, and all week he's saying 'is it friday yet, are we going to football today?'. His first time there he scored a goal, so that's all I heard about! It's given him a purpose to be fair and that's what he needs. It's just great to see a smile back on his face and something for him to do that he enjoys."
Watch our video about Doncaster Dynamo's
For information about joining Doncaster Dynamo's contact: davidh272@btinternet.com
Walking football in Doncaster: Walking Football – Get Doncaster Moving
To view our archive of previous campaign stories, visit our Doncaster Stories Archive.
Read more stories about being active in our News Hub.
We'd love to hear from you!
We're on the look out for people, clubs and groups to join the campaign. If you'd like to share your story about what you do to keep active and to inspire others, get in touch! You can also talk to us about being active on our social channels using #GetDoncasterMoving