‘Into the park’ is back!
Posted: Wed, 10 Jul 2024 15:16
Get Doncaster Moving are proud to support Right Up Our Street's 'Into the Park' summer events for the second year.
Come along and be a part of this summer family event that brings joy and celebrates the natural environment on a local level.
- 17th August, 11:00 am-4pm, Edlington Community Woodland.
- 18th August, 11:00 am-4pm, Stainforth Welfare Ground.
Register interest (tickets are free): https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/right-up-our-street
There will be performances throughout each day alongside arts and sports activity.
'No Fit State' will bring their new production 'Bamboo', which is a 'spectacular new high-impact, high-skill outdoor circus production using only bamboo and human bodies - revealing the fragility and beauty of our interconnected and interdependent life on this planet.'
Find out more: www.rightupourstreet.org.uk/into-the-park
More information: http://www.rightupourstreet.org.uk/into-the-park