Walking tips for beginners
If you'd like to fit more walking into your life, here's a few suggestions to get started…
Build up gradually if you need to
Increase your walking distance gradually if you need to. Even a brisk 10-minute daily walk has lots of health benefits.
If you have not walked distances for some time, it's a good idea to start slowly and increase the length and pace of your walk gradually. Start with a 20 minute walk, and aim to walk at least three times a week - or build up to it at your own pace.
By moving more, you may begin to notice a positive difference to your energy levels and how you feel. That can be a great motivation to keep going!
Make walking a habit
Think of ways to include walking in your daily routine. Changing small habits can make a surprising difference to how much walking we can fit into a day and might have you moving more than you'd think – that could be walking the kids to school, fitting in a quick lunchtime walk, parking a little further from your destination and walking the rest of the way…we all have different routines and what works for one, won't work for all. Take a moment to think about your own routines and where you might realistically be able to fit a few more steps into your day.
Add variety to your walks
You don't have to travel far to find a lovely scenic walk in Doncaster - discover what's on your doorstep, visit your local park/green space or take a look online for ideas of walks near you.
You might benefit from keeping your walks local to start off with – even if you've lived in the area for a long time you might still find local footpaths, landmarks and walks near you that you didn't even know about. Many people explored their local area more during lockdowns, and found that they were surprised at what they discovered on their doorsteps!
Make it social
Walking with other people is a great way to stay motivated. You could join one of Doncaster's many walking groups, and/or arrange to walk with a friend. Many people join walking groups not only to be active, but to make new friends along the way.
There are walks and groups suited to all ages and ability. Find local walking groups here: Walking Calendar
Keep yourself entertained
Walking while listening to music, podcast or an audiobook can be an enjoyable - it can also get you into a rhythm and help you walk faster!
Try the Active 10 app
Download the free Active 10 app from the NHS Better Health website. The app tracks your steps, helps you set goals, shows you your achievements and gives you tips to boost your activity.
Find out more about the Active 10 App https://www.nhs.uk/better-health/get-active/