If your sports club is looking to grow or develop, we have lots of resources and tools to support you on your journey, and we are here to help guide you through the process. We can help with training and development, promotion and expert advice related to the sector.


Yorkshire-wide funding opportunities

The Yorkshire Sport Foundation have compiled a list of funding streams specifically for clubs. Check their dedicated webpage regularly for updates.

Please note that the GDM Sports Club Fund has been temporarily paused.

Training and development

The Get Doncaster Moving deliver workshops and learning opportunities to local clubs on topics such as First Aid and Safeguarding. If you have a specific training need contact us.

Buddle (Formerly 'Club Matters')

Buddle is Sport England's one stop shop for clubs, groups and organisations involved in the delivery of physical activity and sport. Buddle provides free, convenient, practical resources to help organisations to develop, grow and become more sustainable and successful. Visit the website to access tools and resources: https://buddle.co/

Digital Marketing Hub

Sport England have partnered with the Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA) to offer free digital marketing training to the sport and physical activity sector. The hub offers bite-size modules and a live webinar series, as well as peer networking opportunities. Visit the Digital Marketing Hub.

UK Coaching

UK Coaching offer online courses to develop your skills to help you deliver excellent and inspiring coaching sessions. Whatever your role - coach, facilitator, instructor, leader, teacher or trainer - if you're helping people to be active and improve, you'll likely find a suitable course. Visit UK Coaching

Yorkshire Sport Foundation Course Finder

The Yorkshire Sport Foundation Course Finder lists conferences, education, coaching and training courses to support clubs in the region. Visit Yorkshire Sport Foundation


If your club would benefit from support in the promotion of your club and what you offer, be sure to connect with us on our social media channels:




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