Edlington Pit Wood is a regenerated area of land previously associated with coal mining. As one of Doncaster's newest accessible green spaces, it has a diverse range of habitats including ponds, woodland and grassland. The site has spectacular viewing points, with views for miles across Doncaster and beyond.

As a result of the feedback from our community engagement work, the following investments are being made to the site. If you are using a desktop, you can hover over the interactive points on the map to discover more detail. If you are using a mobile phone, the information will be displayed underneath the map for ease of access.

If you are using a desktop, you can hover over the interactive points on the map to discover more detail. If you are using a mobile phone, the information will be displayed underneath the map for ease of access.

Signage and interpretation

Improvements to signage will be made at the main entrance to the Pit Wood. New signage and interpretation panels will help guide visitors around the Pit Wood, with suggested walking routes and highlighting scenic viewpoints.

Car park enhancement

As the primary entrance to the site, work is taking place to improve the look of the car park, including natural deterrents for off road vehicles and new signage to welcome visitors, and open up the site lines to increase visibility of the site.

Picnic area

A new picnic area will be installed adjacent to the lower pond. The benches are being produced from local timber.

Seating areas and resting points

Additional seating and resting points will be installed to allow visitors to rest and enjoy the scenic views. Some of these will form part of the bespoke trail.

Bespoke trail

A bespoke trail will be introduced on the Pit Wood, which is the result of a joint project between local artist Lewis Morgan, and primary school children, who took inspiration from the local area and wildlife to create ideas for a trail. Their designs were voted for by the local community, with those with the most votes being taken forward for development. These designs are being made into unique benches, resting points and way markers.

Off road deterrents

Deterrents are being introduced to alleviate the presence of nuisance off road vehicles.

Footpath improvements

There is an extensive network of paths across Edlington Pit Wood, and a number of walking routes will be highlighted on the new signage. One of the central footpaths is being improved, including the installation of a drainage system to lessen the impact of future flooding.

Edlington Pit Wood Community Group

The Edlington Pit Wood Group are a dedicated group committed to the sustainable regeneration and development of the site. If you would like to get involved with volunteering opportunities with the group, you can find out more on their Facebook page: The Edlington Pit Wood Group

Edlington Pit Wood engagement summary

The summary document below captures the headline results of the engagement survey undertaken with residents and stakeholders about Edlington Pit Wood in February 2023. This feedback has informed the subsequent improvements made to the site, where possible.