The Get Doncaster Moving (GDM) team receive a high volume of requests for information and support from the GDM Network of partners and wider stakeholders, and from a wide range of organisations and sectors. Sharing our learning – and learning from others – is a fundamental value of Get Doncaster Moving and we welcome and encourage requests to share our learning and our approach.

We house many of our learning resources on our website. You can take a look at our resource library below for data, insights and learning related to physical activity. Use the categories or tabs options to narrow your search.

If you can't find what you are looking for, or wish to contact the team about these resources, please complete this short request form: Request for support

Please note we are currently testing the resource library, ahead of it's official launch in December 2024, please bear with us while we work to keep making improvements to the library during this time.


Gameplan captures the best of what has been learnt so far from Doncaster Council's bold collaborative approach to the delivery of big sports events. Within Gameplan we purposely use the term 'big event' to encompass the broad spectrum of event types and scales where Gameplan learning can be applied. This enables Gameplan knowledge to be used flexibly and applied to different contexts.

Gameplan shares what has been learned about leveraging big sporting events to maximise social impact and how events can act as a catalyst, or sparkler, that can burn bright to get people moving, and more actively engaged in their own communities. The challenge is maximising this sparkler effect so that benefits do not fizzle out when the event has gone.

Doncaster Council, through their involvement in Sport England's LDP, commissioned a team of researchers from Leeds Beckett University to work with Get Doncaster Moving, their partners and local communities to conduct research and co-create practical interventions aimed at better understanding and optimising the local social impacts of big sporting events hosted in Doncaster.