The Get Doncaster Moving (GDM) team receive a high volume of requests for information and support from the GDM Network of partners and wider stakeholders, and from a wide range of organisations and sectors. Sharing our learning – and learning from others – is a fundamental value of Get Doncaster Moving and we welcome and encourage requests to share our learning and our approach.

We house many of our learning resources on our website. You can take a look at our resource library below for data, insights and learning related to physical activity. Use the categories or tabs options to narrow your search.

If you can't find what you are looking for, or wish to contact the team about these resources, please complete this short request form: Request for support

Please note we are currently testing the resource library, ahead of it's official launch in December 2024, please bear with us while we work to keep making improvements to the library during this time.

Displaying 61 to 90 of 145

This case study covers the key learning about partnership working in Hexthorpe Park. This park is one of the 15 capital sites as part of the Doncaster Future Parks (DFP) project funded by the LDP. Alongside this investment the DFP team support partners to utilise the park to increase park usage. This...

GDM Journey 2022

Wed, 17 May 2023

Progress and achievements GDM has made in 2022

Jodie Bridger (Local Delivery Pilot Programme Manager, Get Doncaster Moving) and Sarah Leonardi (Associate Director, CFE Research) share how Social Network Analysis can be used to understand the connections between people, groups and organisations within a complex system

Develop a social impact handover plan to help support social impacts beyond a big event.

Use a collaboration Kick-on Agenda to sustain social impact success.

Support community initiatives around big events through a no-fuss funding scheme.

Plan to effectively engage communities and target groups in social impact activities.

Create better physical activity opportunities by working in partnership with local people.

Use a collaboration Kick-off Agenda to start planning for social impact success.

Collaborate and develop a monitoring and evaluation plan to understand social impacts.

Asset Mapping identifies valuable local resources to support community engagement through big events.

Collaborate to identify a dedicated budget for resourcing activities to maximise an event's local social impact.

A Sludge Audit helps increase engagement by addressing participation challenges

Gameplan (PDF, 9.2 Mb)


Thu, 5 Jan 2023

Gameplan captures the best of what has been learnt so far from Doncaster Council's bold collaborative approach to the delivery of big sports events. Within Gameplan we purposely use the term 'big event' to encompass the broad spectrum of event types and scales where Gameplan learning can be applied....

In November 2022, GDM submitted evidence to Doncaster's Fairness and Well-being Commission. It includes a case study of Doncaster's Future Parks Programme (see pages 12-17).

An overview of Doncaster's key statistics on physical activity levels, 2018-19.

Doncaster residents' views on the impact of the cost of living crisis.

A case study of GDM's whole system approach to reducing inactivity featured in a Doncaster Council self-assessment submitted to the Local Government Association (LGA) in 2022. This was to support an LGA 'peer review' of the council's performance (see pages 40-42).

GDM Journey 2021

Tue, 1 Mar 2022

Progress and achievements GDM has made in 2021

The Get Doncaster Moving Team undertake regular process learning. This is to help the team to reflect on what change is happening (or not), how and why. The learning is summarised in reports to cover a 6-month period; some reports focus on specific learning themes, while others are broad in nature.

The stories from 12 Doncaster parents who talked to us about their children's physical activity levels (Aug 2021).

Dance On Research Pamphlet (PNG, 34 Kb, 422x422)

Exploring the health and wellbeing benefits of dance for older people. A research study conducted by the University of Leeds with darts and Yorkshire Dance's Dance On programme: Read the Dance On Research pamphlet.

Active Lives Analysis

Mon, 6 Sep 2021

Research undertaken by our partners CFE to understand the levels of physical activity across Doncaster.

Overview of our learning, using a new reporting format of 'Celebrate,' 'Share,' 'Explore with others' and 'Where next'.

Overview of our learning, using a new reporting format of 'Celebrate,' 'Share,' 'Explore with others' and 'Where next'.

Overview of our learning, using a new reporting format of 'Celebrate,' 'Share,' 'Explore with others' and 'Where next'.

Overview of our learning, using a new reporting format of 'Celebrate,' 'Share,' 'Explore with others' and 'Where next'.

Overview of our learning, using a new reporting format of 'Celebrate,' 'Share,' 'Explore with others' and 'Where next'.

Resident Panel Survey - Active travel (Unknown Binary Data, 838 Kb)

Findings from a Resident Panel survey about residents' views on active travel in Doncaster (July 2021).

Resident Panel Survey - Parks and open spaces (Unknown Binary Data, 265 Kb)

Findings of a Resident Panel survey on residents' views on Doncaster's parks and open spaces (July 2021).